Monday, June 15, 2009

Painting weekend 2

I've completed another weekend of painting, and no, I did not finish:( Lots of the same interesting people were around, but nothing crazy this time. Oh, there was one. I lady drove up in a fantastic clown outfit. I mean 120% clown, crazy rainbow hair, great makeup, bright blue, sequined, long eyelashes, red nose and all. She was another curious on-looker for where to contact about painting a box. Lots of people stop by for info on where to get hooked up with it. Anyways, to get to the good stuff.


+ blimp lines

And finally made it to the second side.


Still have to cover the forehead, but that wasn't dry enough yet.

Another painter was out this day doing another box. He thought it was interesting how I went about painting the different people, said it was definatly a sort of graphics approach. Its more or less similar to silk screening process, which is definatly a graphic approach versus fine art painting.
So here I have pictures of how I did it, the different stages.

Also the car had the black added. Doesnt seem like I covered as much area as the day before, but it was mostly detail work.
Looks like it HAS to be done by the 19th, so I have to take a couple days off this week to complete it. I wish I didn't have to use my vacation days for this, but whatcha' gonna do.
Well, thats all for now. Ill get more pics by next weekend, as it will be finished by Friday, phew.

1 comment:

jen fong said...

Looks Sweeeet!