Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cool new projects!!

So I have finished up a couple really cool projects at work that I really like. I was lucky enough that the groups were open to something new, and I was ready for something new! First one is for a 3-story building in Coronado. This group was open to anything, which meant format, design, everything! The direction the said they'd like was the 'coronado lifestyle' which to me is bougious, small beach town (think Catalina-ish), but I went with a modern beach contemporary approach. The flyer was folded out 10x15, folded in quarters. So the first is the cover, which is 5x7.5, then the first interior spread, then you unfold it once more for the full spread.

Next just off to the printer today, is an offering memorandium for the multi-family group. This was a custom piece for them, and I was really glad they liked the design I did for it. Once I saw the pictures, it said a sort of tuscan style, and I was so tired of SQUARES! that I was itching to do a real, well designed piece. So I busted out my rouch edge graphics, and paper and old textures, and slammed it out. I really like it, and Im excited to see it printed.

Finally, and actually the first project completed out of htese is for the urban retial group. This is for a tower near the ballpark, but they just lease out the retail on the gound floors. These images are by the way you would see it folding out. They too were open to anything, design and format, so we decided to go with a tri fold 11x17, so each panel is 5.somethingx11. Let me tell you, working with 17 and 11 in thirds, is not so fun, getting the folding to be just right. This idea came to me as I was almost asleep in my bed. I though, oh, Im going to do a diamond/penant thing.

The tough thing with brochures, is it has to flow well from the first interior spread, to the full fold out spread (also keeping track of which spread your talking about!). And the needed this piece for emailing as well, so it had to translate well to a paged pdf. I like how I spread the color blocks from the inside spread and the first fold side, and the white space is like streets. One of the toughest things was doing the amenites aerial, what a headache, I would get lost so easy!
But I really like these pieces, and doing neat projects like this is the only thing keeping me here! It may be really corporate mandated, but I still get to do good design, so its a tough trade.

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